Digital Marketing Trends 2020

6 Creative Digital Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Business

Though the style of marketing is rapidly changing from traditional to digital and thousands of businesses are entering the online world every hour but this is still a task that needs a lot of preparation and hard work. If you have been using the typical techniques to attract more organic traffic to your website the best thing that you can do for your business is to think out of the box and come up with some interesting and creative ideas for digital marketing of your business.

If you are one of those businessmen who are worried about losing the traffic to their business website, don’t worry and have a look at the following creative marketing ideas that always work.

Use Videos for Marketing

Try not to waste most of your time on trying to convince people to buy from you through the email marketing as it is one of the slowest form of advertising in the present world. Instead, you should opt for the video marketing of your business. In order to boost your business you should hire a competent and experienced YouTube video producer and discuss with him your own innovative ideas. Then make a video that is eye catching and worth remembering. The best duration for video advertising is 30-60 seconds as the people do not have enough time and patience to watch something they dont feel like watching.

Video Marketing Strategy    

Use Your Social Media Handles

In the present era of digitization one of the best ideas that you can use to give your business a boost is to register your business with the social media websites like twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Then participate in business seminars and meetings and never feel ashamed of advertising your business through your social media handles being displayed on a screen or projector while you talk. There is nothing wrong in telling the audience about your whereabouts. Only having business accounts on social media websites is not enough. You have to stay online and show some activity in order to stay connected to your targeted audience.

Social Media Handle

Start Writing For Blogs

As a business owner you should be willing to do anything to boost your business no matter how the hard the task is, but writing a blog is no big deal. All you have to do is to post a blog about other companies manufacturing the same items that you make. 

Writing blogs can be a time taking activity but definately pays back in the longterm. Consistent publishing of content across different topics or services on your business website can help you bring targetted users who have interest in finding more information about it.

Content Strategy

Sponsor a Contest

The ways of marketing a business are changing with the passage of time, there was a time when people used TV and radio to promote their business but today the most effective way to do it is through organizing and sponsoring events and contests. Many big brands that you see in the market have used this techniques in a timely manner and are now ruling the market.  If you know your targeted audience it will be easier for you to organize a contest whether it is a beauty contest, a singing contest, a dance contest or an academic contest like maths challenge or something where a lot of media presence is expected. In such contests you can use the theme of colors that match your brand logo like the stage set up, the props used in performances and on the furniture used in the show. When you run a contest you get a chance to invite the cream of the city that includes bureaucrats, politicians and people from showbiz. In such contests your brand identity gets stronger than ever and people interested in these contests start recognizing your brand.

Social media giveaway

Use Urban Marketing Ideas

The world has transformed from green gardens to concrete jungles and we have to step out in these jungles to get inspiration for the marketing of a business in the most creative way. Many times a writing on a wall or a sign on the street furniture gives us a new idea to work on. You can use your imagination and leave your brochures and flyers at the right spots for the people to be noticed. You can hire a team of creative people who could go to different locations and paste stickers on the street benches and other places where writing is allowed. The team that you hire can draw or write your promotional messages on sidewalks and on the streets and pavements.

Marketing Ideas

Use a Mural

You can try to take permission from the authorities to draw a painting in the wall of a building that has some significance for the area and paint its wall with a mural about your business with all the contact information mentioned at the bottom of the mural. You might have to pay a heavy fee to get the permission, but at the end of the day it repays in form of revenues that you get from your successful business.

Mural Ads

You should try to use the above mentioned strategies and experience the results for yourself.